Monday, September 26, 2011

Relief Society: 2nd Counselor

'Relief Society stands for love. What a remarkable thing it is to witness the love of good women one for another. They mingle together in the bonds of love with friendship and respect for each other. This organization is actually the only resurce that many women have for friendly association. It is the natural instinct of women to reach out in love to those in distress and need.' -President Gordan B. Hinckey
I feel lik all of my weaknesses are going to come out right about now. On Sunday the 25th I was called to be the Relief Society 2nd Counselor of the Bowling Green University Branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later-day Saints! When I received this calling so many thoughts went through my head... 'Am I able to do this? I'm only 20?!!?!', How will I help the sisters in this branch?', 'Will I even be able to help them at all?' THen a powerful felling come over me to know that our Savior, Jesus Christ knows us. And with all my weaknesses I'm able to rely on Him and His understanding and His knowledge of His daughters. How truly blessed I am to know that through the quite wispers of a sincere prayer He will hear me. He will help me with this calling! To know also my sister, Anna-Marie, was called to be the Relief Society President! Anna-Marie is so caring, willing to listen, and serve. She is full of love and willing to share it. Her testimony is so storng and I look up to her all the time. She is not just a dear sister to me, she is my very best friend! As for the 1st Counselor, Rachel B. was called. She is new in the Branch this semester and is wonderful! Full of love too. She was just released from her last ward as the 1st Counselor so this is good! Plus Rachel is older than Anna-Marie and I so she will be helping (me especially) a lot! She has experience! I'm so excited to work and learn from both of these amazing women.  

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


You can see all te farm animals from sheep to pigs to cattle. You know you'll have fun because it only comes annual. Don't miss the rides or a sip of a chocolate milkshake, for you see it's fair time in Fulton County!
This year was special for me becuase it was my 4th year being on the Jr. Fair Board and my last. I have enjoyed every year and will not forget all the friends I have made and the great laughs we have shared. So to 2011 Fulton County Fair. Don't worry too much, I'll say hi next year!   
I was chair of the Sheep Show.
My siblings came to support me.
 They say this is the smile and thumbs up that distracted Derek from showing his Market Lamb!
 Working so very hard. 
 Nancy our advisor with Shay, Amber and Kaitlin.
 The 2011 Ohio Fair Queen, Lara Staples.
Sale Day Thursday! I got to help with the hogs...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Back to School

'I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught.' Winston Churchhill.
I have enjoyed my summer fun but now it's back to school. My to do list wasn't too bad for this semester. I just had to remember where I put all from last semester! Haha.
- three text books
- R.S.V.P. pens
- two pencils
- one notebook
- bookbag
- sticky notes, and
- one big smile!

It happened again.

As I was on my way home from doing childcare, like I do on Friday's, and I just barly stoped at a stop light when a lady rear ended me in my family's van... I was to go to work that night and was not able to make it. My head and neck hurt from the inpact. By the time I got home that evening all I wanted to do was sleep! I told my mom, when can I have my next pain pill?!!?!'

Another White Dress

You said it, it's the year for weddings for my family and friends! I love going to wedding receptions! You can always tell who the person is and what they like by the brides dress and her decorations! 
Congrats, Erick and Allison!  

Hello. Goodbey.

Missionaries come and go but there are some that we can never forget. These are some great ones! My dad loves playing the guiter and when he plays it my family and I always sing this great song call 'There Comes a Call'.