Bing in the YSA Branch has really changed my life. For the better. I was called to be one of two Sunday School teachers! I'm was so super nervous. I felt totally inadequate... I'm one of the youngest ones in the Branch, and there are like four or five return missionaries, and I'm the one to theach them about the scriptures and the gospel of Jesus Christ?!!?! This is one big learning curve that I'll have to rely on hte Lord a lot for. But none the less, I felt peace when President Thacker set me apart. To know I'm to ba a teacher and Heavenly Father is mindful of me. He is humbling me and helping my weaknesses become my strengths, one lesson at a time! I sat down one night and watched a DVD about Joseph Smith. He had said, 'The Lord calls us in our weaknesses and qualifies us in his work.' I was able to give my first lesson on February the sixth! I had an interactive activity that went ten mins over the class time... opps! Overall, the lesson was great.
Now after church we have T to the third, Teach, Talk, and Treats! It was the 13th and having Valentine's Day the next day I wanted all the YSA to Fell The Love from me! So Anna-Marie made yummy cupcakes and I made chocolate heart molds to go on top of them! I had lots of fun staying up and doing that!
I'm so grateful for friends that live in the Coulumbus area and really close to the temple! Anna-Marie and I were not going to wake up at 4AM to get ready and go down with the YSA's to the temple. So I made arrangements to stay at a friends appartment Friday evening into Saturday. Rudi was so willing and welcoming to us. Ps. she is the best person to do your hair, make-up, and all that good stuff! Plus she is a wonderful listener, very caring and has a super cute smile! Anna-Marie made arrangements for Andrew to say with a young man in one of the wards down in the area which we found out is in Rudi's ward! I'm glad it all went well. We had a wonderful time!

On a side note, I went to our first Jr. Fair Board meeting! It was lots of fun meeting the new members and talking with the old ones like me! I'm pretty sure this will be my last. The board has given me so many leadership opportunities I will never forget.
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