Happy 23rd Birthday Andrew!!!
Every year people make a goal or goals and never keep with them. Why is that? I found an awesome talk that Elder M. Russel Ballard had given to the Salt Lake Area Young Adults, 'I am so thoroughly convinced that if we don't set goals in our life and learn how to master the technique of living to reach our goals, we can reach a ripe old age and look bcak on our life only to see that e reached but a small part of our full potential. When one learns to master the principle of setting a goal, he will then be able to make a great difference in the results he attains in this life.' http://lds.org/ensign/1983/06/do-things-that-make-a-difference?lang=eng&query=goals Well, I'm just going to say it, this totally applies to me! I think we being humans give up on ourselves way to much and too often. We shouldn't knock ourselves down, but build ourselves up in our good works. This year I made the goal to... you know... walk... run... okay loss weight! Haha. I know what your thinking. WHAT?!!?! I'm sure I won't because I'm just not that kind of person, but I thought I would give it a try, see if I could really eat less sugar, or actually go out walking. I guess we will see if I actuall make a difference in my life. Will it even effect me? Will it effect those around me? It was wonderful being able to meet up with my very best friend Abigail! We had a wonderful time eating at a cute little place in BG called Campus Pollyeyes and just talking about life!
After Chirstmas and all of our famliy and friends leaving, we were pretty mello jello! Except we were pilled with lots of snow which caused Dad to work super early in the mornings and late at night! We have never had our old stump covered before!!!
My family had a late Christmas get together. But we had a wonderful time going to the Temple before hand. It was our first time going with Andrew in two years! While being with my cousins, I was able to be read to by one of them from a shark book! It was awesome!
Classes are full swing for Spring Semester! Andrew and I started the same day so he drove me to class. But since his class time starts bfore mine I had to wake up extra early... :/ But I still have a smile on my face!!!
Having a brother isn't too bad, it is really lots of fun! But now I have two, Andrew and Joseph Gunther. And that's not bad either. But now three?!!?! That's right, if I have three then that means someone is getting married!!! Diana is engaged which means I now have three super awesome brother!!! Andrew, Joe, and James! My family figuared it would happen. We just didn't know when, and boy was it a suprise!!! It was in the evening and Diana called us asking if the whole family was there. Why would a sibling be asking if the whole family was home?!!?! Haha.Someting was going on... we all had a super big smile on our faces as we had Diana, James, Carrie and Joe one speaker phone! What an exciting time in Diana's life and in all of ours. Let the planning begin. And as Dad said, 'Two down, three more to go!'

Being in the YSA Branch is just so much fun! I enjoy every one of them. Plus they make the activites fun! Like when we went Tobogganing!!! It was so super cold, but it was worth it!!!
After we went down the hill/ slide three times we ate pizza! We chated with Amy and her friend Trent!
Andrew was undesided if he would go but Anna-Marie told him he had to and was truly grateful for her encouragement because he saw (Elder) Jeremy Harper! Andrew was Jeremy's MTC Zone Leader! It was awesome meeting someone from Andrew's mission!!!
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