What a month this has been! The Lord is really getting to me, for the better! With lots of prayers I can say, I'm in good health! I was scheduled to work on April 2, yes, and General Conference weekend. I kept telling myself to find someone else who could work for me but I settled for the thought, I can watch it on a later day. I went to work Saturday morning expecting to arrive home around 8:30- 9pm that night. I now know why you don’t miss your church meetings, because bad things happen to you! I had slipped on some water that was on the floor in the kitchen of the restaurant. I was caring some bowls and when I slipped the bowls fell and I fell on the bowls which of course broke. I got a pretty big cut on my arm, and hit my knee so bad I had to go to the ER. Talk about totally embarrassment in front of all the people I wok with… But I have to be grateful for caring workers that helped me in saying, ‘Sarah it’s going to be okay’ and ‘Okay Sarah, you need to breath in through your nose and blow out of your moth.’ When the EMS came with great personnel they asked me who they could call, I knew my family would be returning home from the chapel and my dad and Andrew would not be home till later that night because they would be at the Priesthood session of General Conference, so I told the EMT’s that my dad would be in a church meeting and I don’t want to bother him and I didn’t know if my mom would be home yet. When I arrived to the hospital I then felt like no one would be with me… until I said a silent prayer and knew I would have the sharp pain in my knee for just a short time. In a short while my dad appeared before my eyes! I find it so odd, but the first words out of my mouth were, ‘Sorry you had to come and leave Priesthood meeting.’ My dad was so caring and shortly after two wonderful caring girls from work stopped in to make sure I was okay and not alone. They tried so hard to make me laugh but I hurt so bad… Haha. By 10:45 pm my mom had then come, I had finished signing my name on the paper work, the nurse had washed my cuts, the Doctor glued my arm. At 11 pm I was able to leave with a wrapped arm, an immobilizer brace on my leg and crutches. This was not what I planed on doing at the beginning of the day!
I was on crutches up until Wednesday the 20th. This all has been my first time and I hope it will be my last! What an ordeal it comes down to not working when you should be attending your church meetings. I’ve been humbled with all of this. Follow-up appointments with the Doc., going back to work not as a Runner, but as a worker who had to have a sit down job which only means eyeing/ pealing potatoes and pealing labels off of jars, and best of all, using the elevator to go to and from my classes which is not located in a convenient area on campus! Fun stuff! I may still not fully understand why this happened to me, but to know no matter what happens I’ll be a better person through all of this!
I heart 5K’s and Temples
I was so excited to watch and cheer on Carrie as she ran a 5K on The OSU campus. She put a lot of hard work and effort into doing this. I was so excited to see her every time she passed me!!! At the very end I got her time… I thought it was way super good, but what do I know. I really don’t do races. I just do little jaunts up and down our road. ;)

Carrie and I were fully loaded after the race and were both able to go to the Temple. Little did I know the youth that were going were in our stake!!! Oh how I love the Perrysburg Ward Youth! It was just the Priest and Laurels with a few others that joined along. As I was talking to a few of them, you can see their great determination and eagerness to succeed in life as one young man in particular told me about his plans after HS. He is so excited to attend BYU for a semester or so and then serve a two year mission for our church. I know he is prepared to ‘Preach My Gospel’.

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