When Andrew was set apart to be a missionary of our church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Later-day Saints, our Stake President said for us not to count down the days.... Well I just had to put it on the clendar! November first was week seven until Andrew would come home!
Because of me working I had to miss quite a few YSA activities which I was bummed about. But there was on last Youth Dance that I just couldn't miss...! It was in Liam so it was even more important to go to. They always have the best decoration/ ideas and they still do. I was pretty ecited to see I was not the only YSA to sneak into a Youth Dance, Aaron joined in on the dance too!
Anna-Marie and I were still able to keep our tradition from High School. We would eat lunch together in the parking lot at school. So now in college we get lunch and eat it at the park! It's the cutest thing. Just imagine two young women siting in a small car in a big park parking lot eating, talking and best of all, Laughing!
It has been a goal of mine to attend the Temple every month. I enjoy spending the time with my parents, but this time my friend Mary and I were able to go together with her parents!
On Thanksgiving Day, Mom, Anna-Marie, and I were able to spend the day going through lots of tolls just to pick up Diana form the Chicago Airport! Diana had the opportunity to spend the summer with the study abroad program through BYU and went to South Africa! While she was there she hit the front page of the Dispatch!!!
It was different being on the road for Thanksgiving, and not having Dad with us, but it was sweet to have Carrie and Joe invite us to their home before we went back home. Carrie had an amaizng meal made for all of us, plus it was good to see Joes parents too. We were on little sleep and when all of us girls get together we tend to laugh. A LOT!!! Haha.

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