For some reason I have this amazing friend named Abigail! She was my hero when I first meet her, at Young Women's Camp. Now that we have moved on in life we each have taken directions. Abby to BYU-I and my self, I'm still at home! So that means Abby comes to visit her family. (Really to visit friends!)
When I heard she would be coming home for the summer I was so excited! She on the other hand wasn't too excited, but it all worked out. We were able to have a party, sleepover, and attend church together. What more could you ask for?!!?! Every time Abby and I see eachother I have my camera ready for a picture. I love talking pictures and of course being in pictures! Haha. You say camera, I say cheese!!! ;) I want to remember every memorie we have shared together! So the day before Abby left I told her we needed a picture and she just rolled her eyes and said, 'okay!' So here it is! I love you Miss. Abigai!

I'm glad I finally saw this!!!!! I love you too!! <3