What is Thanksgiving all about then service! Our Home Teachers and the Sister Missionaries came over to our home to help us cut wood for the colder wether comming up. I was a bit sad because I had to work later and couldn't enjoy all the fun but we had quite the time!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
I'm thankful for OHIO.
Thanksgiving morning and I was up and ready to watch Carrie run yet another 5K. I think one of these days I'll run a race with Carrie.... but for now, I'm good with just watching/ cheering her on to the finish line!!!
I don't know what to say... I enjoy Thanksgiving and all the many things that I have and know. I'm so very blessed with my wonderful family. What more can I say?!!?!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Temple Trip
I always have a super awesome time going to the temple but this was different. I didn't just go with my siblings and/ or family but I drove down with other YSA members (Anna-Marie, Trevor, Mark and Rachel.) They are such a great group... too bad you couldn't be there with me in the car. It was great laughter and fun! Haha.

But it doesn't matter who I go with, I can always feel the love of the Savior with me!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Tornado Watch in November?!!?!
Life can sometimes give you storms but I've never seen them like this! During my break from classes I stoped back at home because I had to get a few things done. As my mom and I were enjoying a hot cup of Hot Cocolate we saw this go right over our house with a big, huge gust of wind following it and then of course Rain! It was totlly awesome and crazy!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Mission Prep.
I suppose the preparation has been on going but for me actually saying it has just begun. I have finally gotten the nerve up to say it to my extended family and friends!
I'm preparing to serve a mission!!!
Friday, November 4, 2011
Early Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is my mom's favorite Holiday so our family can never have to much giving! This year my mom wanted to do a 'trial run'?!!?! (Not like she has already done 30 some years of making a tureky!) She just wanted to prove that she still knows how to put on a great Thanksgiving meal! They say mother is always right, and it's true one this one!
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