For the start of college I will start a bolg of… me! My life and my family! It’s crazy so you might have a few bumps, bruises, and tears along the way but, don’t worry, when it’s over you will have a big smile on your face and people will hear you laughing in the next room over!
For most my childhoood, and now adulthood, I have always thought, 'My siblings have don it, then I can too!' So I graduated form High School and now I'm embarking a 'new' life as a college student. How cool is that?!!?! !
I was able to go to orientation with my sister Diana. She was the best one to do it. She helped me find my classes and set a 'Day List' instead of a 'To Do List'! I think I will learn real quick how to balance my time. (I better read up on some past General Conference talks!) As we were both sitting on the chairs in the lobby I realized that when Diana graduated from H.S. and went to college at BYU, Brigham Young University, she didn't have my parents or any sibling help her schedule her classes for her, get her books, find her classes or even help her find friends. I thne looked at her and where she is in life now... she made it! She has been in college more than the average four years but she has accomplished so much. She has had some jobs that require so much of her time, sleep at night, and social lilfe. She is a photogerpher, taken pictures of her H.S. best friend and others, my senior pictures, served in Haiti, the Deominican Republic. And now on a study program to Africa. She has met so many new people (I should check her Facebook to see how many people she really has met! Haha.) Diana knows what fruit snacks to buy, Sunkist! And she knows what to ask mom to send in her 'Care Package'... bbef sticks from Pettisville Meats, and of course, chocolate from Stella Leona! Diana knows what it's like to live on her own even with crazy roomies! She also knows what it means to put her faith and trust in the Lord. I think that is what makes Diana so awesome; in all that she does she knows how to not live off barrowed light. She kows thaty you must ask Heavenly Father in deep prayer.
For me, that is the key to this semester. Prayer! I was talking to a good friend at a recent wedding reception I attended. He is a professor at a near by university, married and has three beautiful daughters. He told me as I explained to him about my life as a college student, ‘Sarah, you need to know that when you pray before you study for one of your classes the Lord will help you retain that knowledge for the test or quiz.’ That is so true. Why would our loving Heavenly Father not want us do well in a class? Or in general, life? That’s right, he does want us to succeed! Ether 12:27 In all that we do, be it school, work, or family, we must humble ourselves, we are not perfect. So we need to allow the atonement of Jesus to come into our life.